Wednesday, April 11, 2012

                                A Day Spent Cooking

Today was a beautiful day and the snow is finally melting(yea)

I did a little yard work, and cleaned all the windows in the front of the house, then I thought I'm going to make Ricotta cheese. Don't really need any but there is a gallon of milk in the fridge and I feel like making cheese. Ricotta is one of the easiest cheeses to make.
                               1 gallon of milk
                               1 tsp. citric acid
                               1 tsp. cheese salt
I get my cheese making supplies from New England Cheesemaking supply co. Pour your milk into a large pot, stir in your citric acid and salt. Heat to 195 degrees stir often. Take off the heat and let set for five minutes. Line a colander with butter muslin,. Ladle the curds into cloth. Tie the cloth up and let hang for at least 1/2 hour. There you have it CHEESE.

Ricotta cheese
My husband went down State so I had no one to cook dinner for but I had a hankering for homemade onion rings which he doesn't care for so why not. I'm making onion rings and were they ever good. While I was getting the eggs out for the batter I dropped an egg because the bucket was overflowing. Time to use up some of those eggs.

homemade onion rings
Custard is what I'll make to use up those eggs. My husband doesn't like custard either but he's not here(smile) Custard is another real easy recipe:
Custard made with fresh eggs
                                 1/2 c sugar   1/4 tsp salt
                                 1tsp. vanilla  4 eggs and 2&1/2 c milk
mix it all up, bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.

After all the messes were cleaned up I just had to make another one so I dug out some fresh maple syrup and made suckers don't they look good.
Boiling syrup to hard candy stage

Maple Syrup Lollipops
Maple syrup Lollipops
Well that is my cooking for today . I think tomorrow I'll be making lasagna to use the Ricotta cheese I made today. 

Well people still no chicks but I'll keep you updated. Hope everyone has a wonderful evening.


  1. Hi Janice.. You have had a busy day and very productive, too..
    I was wondering what the cheesecloth looks like. Is it different that the regular one that we buy?
    I would love to make some of that cheese but I only have regular cheesecloth..
    Thanks for the lovely post..
    God bless...

  2. Faye: Regular cheesecloth is fine. New England Cheesemaking has a really neat kit for $25 comes with everything you need to make 30 batches of cheese. Janice

  3. Janice, I sent your blog to my friend in Texas. She loves it! She thinks you are a very charitable soul. I think you are, too!
    Hey, if you ever think of it, could you post the recipe for liquid hand soap? That is the only recipe I didn't get from your class. I am in desparate need of more and don't want to buy it. Thanks!
    Enjoy your day!!
