Friday, June 1, 2012

                             A Day of Crafting

It's a beautiful day outside today and I really should be out in the yard doing something, but I felt like doing a few crafts. I will be setting up a table tomorrow at our local Tractor Supply for our Hobby Farm Swap.

A few things I will be selling this week are homemade goats milk soap, body lotion, bath scrubs, pet toys, wooden chalkboards and here are a few things I made today.

A bag of lace I got at a yard sale for $1.00
Odd Little Cups and Creamers

Put them together and you've got a cute little pin cushion.

Then I took an old board painted it white, stenciled and aged for a nice prim look.

painted board


Prim Sign

These are the crafts I've got finished. I've also been doing some cooking and laundry but I figured you didn't want to hear about my dirty laundry(grin)

Well this is my Friday afternoon. Time to get a lasagna thrown together for dinner. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.




  1. I absolutely LOVE your Lye Soap sign! Did you sell it? Robin tells me she saw you at the Farmer's Market. How did you do? Hope you did well. At least it wasn't raining!

  2. I sold 4 baby chicks, 2 turkeys, some soap, lotions, but I still have the sign. I made almost $40, but I spent $50. I got 4 new turkeys(different breed) a fathers Day gift for Dad some feed and goats milk. I'll be making goat cheese for the party Wed night.
    All and all it was a fun day. I love just visiting with everyone.
